- For Android CDMA 800 phones
- Press menu button and click setting,
- press wireless and networks,
- go to Access point names,
- and press menu and click new apn.
- Give any name in apnname Change access point to #777
- Username can be any name ending with @c800.mm (eg.user@c800.mm)
- Password field can be typed anything
- Choose authenicating method to PAP or CHAP
- If your phone is C8650 or C8800 there will be prompt password field at the bottom fill #777 there
- Press menu and click save.
- Choose your APN name and turn on data.
- 3G with 2 arrows will appear at the notification bar.
- If not put the phone on airplane mode and turn off and turn on data again.
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By Soe Win in MMUC